Dear Vincentian friends,

we at the Famvin Homeless Alliance (FHA) extend our heartfelt gratitude to each one of you! Since November 2018, due in great part to the support and involvement of your members, the worldwide Vincentian Family has transformed the lives of 10,318 people experiencing homelessness through 110 projects in 70 countries. As you may recall, at the World Day of the Poor 2022, some of you had the joy to witness the blessing of the Sheltering statue by Pope Francis, who encouraged us to journey with our homeless brothers and sisters.

We would like to announce some exciting news about the upcoming Jubilee Year of the Church, called by Pope Francis under the theme “Spes non confundit” (“Hope does not disappoint,” Rom 5:5). The Vatican confirmed that the 13 Houses project in Syria will feature as one of the “concrete gestures of charity of the Pope” during the Jubilee of 2025.  The Papal Bull of Indiction invites us to “be tangible signs of hope” to those experiencing hardship, so the FHA has created a special initiative, “The 13 Houses Jubilee Project”, which will constitute a highlight in our fight against homelessness and an expression of our commitment, as a Vincentian Family, to continue the journey together to end homelessness.

The 13 Houses Jubilee Project will extend from November 2024 to November 2025 and will include a series of activities. The FHA makes a special call to action to you, starting this Vincentian month, to contribute to this special initiative for people experiencing homelessness in 5 continents.

The success of the 13 Houses Jubilee Project and its fundraising efforts depend on your involvement as a Vincentian branch so we would be grateful for any support or donations you might offer. Here are few steps we kindly ask you to support us with:

  1. Pray daily for the 13 Houses Jubilee Project and all those experiencing homelessness (rough sleepers, refugees and internally displaced people, slum dwellers). 
  2. Learn how your branch has been involved in the 13 Houses Campaign and what countries you could help us reach out to. You can contact Natalie Monteza, our Campaign Manager, about this.  Link to this news here.
  3. Share this news with other Vincentians, groups and communities
  4. Donate to the Solidarity Fund and the 13 Houses Jubilee Fundraising Campaign.
  5. Support the Jubilee pilgrimage of one homeless family to Rome.

As we celebrate the Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul, we are reminded of his tireless dedication to serving the poor and marginalized. His example challenges us to embrace compassion, humility, and a deep commitment to social justice. Saint Vincent’s words continue to resonate today: “If there are any among us who think they are in the mission to evangelize the poor people but not to alleviate their sufferings, to take care of their spiritual needs but not their temporal ones, I reply that we have to help them and have them assisted in every way, by us and by others”.  CCD, XII, 77-78

In this spirit, let us ensure that the 13 Houses Campaign not only honors his legacy but also becomes a powerful force for change, addressing both the spiritual and material needs of those experiencing homelessness. With the continued involvement of every branch, this initiative can truly become a united effort to end homelessness and offer lasting hope to the growing number of vulnerable families around the world. Happy Feast of Saint Vincent!