The Commission

The Famvin Homeless Alliance Commission is the advisory committee of the Famvin Homeless Alliance. The Commission members role is to provide support and key information to the Famvin Homeless Alliance staff.  Some of the members are representatives of the Branches of the Vincentian Family, others are named because of their knowledge and proven expertise in the area of homelessness. Together, they bring unique knowledge and skills to the initiative.

Jeff Battcher

Jeff Battcher

Principal at Battcher Communications

As the Principal at Battcher Communications, Jeff calls on his extensive global communications leadership to counsel clients on internal and external communications.

Jeff’s relationship-driven approach to strategic communications was developed while running the global public relations departments and reporting to the CEOs at Delta Air Lines, BellSouth and Level 3 Communications. He managed integrated internal and external communications teams for major mergers and acquisitions, financial bankruptcies and crisis situations. He championed consistency across media relations, employee communications, analyst relations, investor relations, regulatory affairs and labor relations to harness maximum impact.

CEOs and Boards of Directors of Fortune 500 companies, as well as leading global public relations, advertising, and marketing firms regularly consult with Jeff.  He works closely with the leadership of Hewlett Packard, United Parcel Service, The United Nations, Sony, Citrix, HTC and Dish Network. He specializes in media training, message development, financial communications and executive visibility programs, including interviews with top global print and TV networks.

Jeff is also the co-founder and president of AIM Sports Reputation Management. AIM is an Atlanta-based company that provides sports industry clients throughout the world with public relations services crisis preparedness and crisis communications advice including media, social media, and leadership training.

A native of Macon, Georgia, Jeff attended the University of Utah on a football scholarship, where he lettered in football and baseball. He later went on to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Communications from Mercer University and an Executive MBA in Finance from Georgia State University. He currently sits on the Board of Directors for the Otis Redding Foundation, Depaul USA and the Robert McDuffie Center for Strings at Mercer University. He is also a member of the Macon Sports Hall of Fame and its Board of Directors and the Macon-Bibb County Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.

Louise Casey, Baroness Casey of Blackstock

Louise Casey, Baroness Casey of Blackstock

Chair of the Ruff Institute of Global Homelessness

The Baroness Casey of Blackstock is an independent advisor for social welfare, Chair of the Ruff Institute of Global Homelessness, and Visiting Professor at King’s College London. Over the last 25 years, she has been instrumental in the development of a number of bespoke social policy programs for the UK Government. Drawing on her previous experiences leading the UK homeless charity Shelter, she has consistently delivered brave and innovative solutions to long-standing social problems ranging from homelessness to anti-social behaviour to troubled families.

Appointed as UK Homelessness Czar in 1999, Baroness Casey led a successful strategy to reduce the number of people sleeping rough on the streets. She went on to lead the Troubled Families Programme and Respect Taskforce and also served as the first Victims Commissioner, where she led flagship reviews into child sexual exploitation and social integration in some of the UK’s most isolated communities. Throughout her career, she has maintained her commitment to the charity sector and has been a driving force in the establishment of the Institute of Global Homelessness, with the aim of delivering an international solution to street homelessness across the world.

Casey was awarded the Companion of the Order of Bath (CB) in the Queen’s birthday honours list in 2008 and made Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in the Queen’s birthday honours list in 2016. In October 2021, she was elevated to the peerage as the Baroness Casey of Blackstock and now serves as a Cross bench peer in the House of Lords.

Fr. Manuel F. Ginete CM

Fr. Manuel F. Ginete CM

Fr. Manuel F. Ginete C.M., a Vincentian priest from the Philippines, received his formation in philosophy and theology in the United States, obtaining a Master of Arts in Theology from De Paul University, Chicago. After ordination in 1976, he exercised his priestly ministry mostly in seminaries and formation houses. In 1984, he received his doctoral degree in Religious Studies (Theology) from the Catholic University of Leuven, in Belgium.

Appointed Rector of the Archdiocesan Regional Seminary (Theology Department) of Seminario Mayor de San Carlos, Cebu City, he led the seminary from 1986 till 1998, when he was elected Provincial Superior of the Philippine Province of the Congregation. After his six-year term, in 2004 he was appointed Delegate of the Superior General for the Vincentian Family worldwide.

From 2011 he was a volunteer missionary in South Sudan with the inter-congregational project, Solidarity with South Sudan, first as member and later as head of the Pastoral Affairs of Solidarity. He also served as Program Coordinator at the Good Shepherd Peace Center, a joint project of Religious Congregations in South Sudan.

In January of 2019 he came back to the Philippines and currently serves as Rector of St. Vincent School of Theology (Adamson University) in Quezon City, Philippines. His experiences in the Cebu Regional Seminary as well as his responsibilities as Provincial Superior and Delegate for the worldwide Vincentian Family have put him in close touch with projects in the service of the poor. Working in South Sudan with an international volunteer team of religious women and men was, for him, a precious opportunity and grace to be immersed in the lives of those in most need and to work collaboratively with persons from different parts of the world.

Rosanne Haggerty

Rosanne Haggerty

President and Chief Executive Officer of Community Solutions

Rosanne Haggerty is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Community Solutions, which works with communities throughout the US and internationally to use data, quality improvement, and problem-solving tools from multiple sectors to end long-term homelessness. Ten communities have now ended homelessness for targeted groups using their collaborative, results-oriented approach. Community Solutions has sponsored the 100,000 Homes Campaign and Built for Zero initiative involving more than 200 US communities and resulting in more than 180,000 homeless individuals housed to date. Rosanne is a MacArthur Foundation Fellow, Ashoka Senior Fellow, and Hunt Alternative Fund Prime Mover. In 2012, she was awarded the Jane Jacobs Medal for New Ideas and Activism from the Rockefeller Foundation. She sits on the Advisory Committee of the Institute of Global Homelessness and serves on the boards of the Alliance for Veterans, Citizens Housing, and Planning Council and Iraq-Afghanistan Veterans of America. She is a Life Trustee of Amherst College.

Rosanne Haggerty at TEDxAmherstCollege: “How to solve a social problem” Click to see the Video

Sr. Carol Keehan, DC

Sr. Carol Keehan, DC

Sister Carol Keehan, DC was the ninth president and Chief Executive Officer of the Catholic Health Association of the United States, the largest non-profit healthcare provider in the country, from 2005 until 2019. 

Sr. Carol has worked in administrative and governance positions at hospitals sponsored by the Daughters of Charity and healthcare, insurance, and educational organizations for more than 35 years.  In addition, she has been a member of several health, labor and domestic policy committees of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC, and serves on the finance committee of the Archdiocese of Washington. In 2014, she was elected as a member of the National Academy of Medicine, which advises the nation and international community on issues of vital importance to public health. Currently, she serves on the board of Georgetown University, St. John’s University and Catholic Charities USA.

In 2010, Sr. Carol was named one of TIME magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World”. Among her numerous other awards and honors are the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (Cross for the Church and Pontiff), bestowed by Pope Benedict XVI; the Seton Legacy of Charity Medal; and the Friend of Children Award from Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, DC.

Robert Maloney, CM

Robert Maloney, CM

Robert Maloney, CM, is the former Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity.  He was ordained a priest in 1966 and proceeded to study at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, where he obtained a doctorate in Moral Theology.  In his career, he served in various capacities in the formation of the clergy in addition to being a missionary in Panama.

He is the author of eight books: The Way of Vincent de Paul, He Hears the Cry of the Poor, Seasons in Spirituality, Go: On the Missionary Spirituality of St. Vincent de Paul, Turn Everything to Love: A Rule of Life for Lay Members of the Vincentian Family, Faces of Holiness, ‘Tis a Gift to be Simple, and The Dawn of a New Century.  He is also the author of numerous articles on spirituality and other topics, recently publishing an article entitled “Welcoming the Stranger: St. Vincent de Paul and the Homeless.”

At present, he coordinates the joint work of the Daughters of Charity and the Community of Sant’Egidio in Project DREAM, an HIV/AIDS program in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as serving on the Board of Trustees of various groups. He is passionate about the promotion of systemic change within the Vincentian Family.

 Fr. Maloney, “Systemic Change and Vincentian Holiness” Video

Graham West

Graham West

National President of the St Vincent de Paul Society - Australia

Graham West is National President of the St Vincent de Paul Society Australia, which helps over 2 million people annually through a membership of 60,000. Graham is a Management Consultant in the NFP sector and former CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society in New South Wales (NSW).

Graham was previously Member of Parliament in NSW for 10 years representing the Campbelltown area and held a number of Ministerial positions including Juvenile Justice and Youth. He has been active at a board level in the community sector for many years, especially in community development and youth drug and alcohol education and support.

In addition, Graham has a continuing interest in community engagement policies, environmental strategies at the local level, and issues concerning indigenous youth, especially in the areas of employment and education. Graham has written on youth engagement in decision-making using social networking and Web 2.0 and is a regular speaker on the importance of community development.

Graham holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Management, a Master of International Studies, is an Advanced Fire Fighter with the NSW Rural Fire Service, and a Chartered Member of the Institute of Logistics and Transport.