The Famvin Homeless Alliance is gathering information on all Vincentian homelessness ministries and placing them onto an accessible map. Why are we doing this? Why should you contribute to our map?

People can find us: those in need and volunteers

A map increases our visibility. It means people can find us more easily: those in need, those who want to volunteer, those who want to offer us funds, and those looking to refer those who need our help. Once complete, it looks something like this map of homelessness services in London: a vital tool.

Facilitate Vincentian networks

Collaboration makes us all stronger. Our map means you can find likeminded people in the Vincentian Family – and they can find you. You can get in touch with brothers and sisters near you doing similar work to learn from them, and maybe work with them. This is a common tool used to collaborate – see this map of UK environmental campaigners.

Demonstrate the collective strength of the Vincentian Family

The Vincentian Family is one of the largest providers of homelessness services in the world – but we can only prove this through sharing data. Demonstrating our strength with a map provides all of us within the Vincentian Family more authority – which we can take to funders, to those in power, to the wider Church.

Secure Strategic Collaboration

The Vincentian Family global and regional leaders will use this map to plan how to allocate resources to help the poor. For example, we can overlay a map of refugee crises onto our map of Vincentian services, to find where the needs of the poor match our services. The data will be held securely and used prudently, as we know that indiscriminate data sharing can put people at risk.

width="150"Can you help us?

Contact us to put your ministry on the map – if you help homeless people, slum dwellers or refugees. We will need a few pieces of information which we will collect over the phone or by email.

Or if you know of a Vincentian homelessness ministry, tell us about it!

We will always treat your information sensitively and will not disclose contact information without your permission.

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