Famvin Homeless Alliance

The Vincentian Family Initiative on Homelessness

The 13 Houses Campaign

The 13 Houses Campaign is a Famvin Homeless Alliance initiative and aims to improve and transform the lives of 10,000 homeless people around the world in 3-5 years from 2018. More than that, we want to see 13 Houses projects in each of the 156 countries where the Vincentian Family works!

Years of Service



Goal: End Homelessness!

Letter to the Vincentian Family in Ukraine and Eastern Europe

Letter to the Vincentian Family in Ukraine and Eastern Europe

  February 24, 2022 Dear Sisters and Brothers of our Vincentian Family National Council in the Ukraine, and all members of the Vincentian Family in Eastern Europe, The world watches in horror, as once again violence and aggression dominate our news cycles. We cannot help but to hear the words...

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FHA International Refugee Conference scheduled for June 2022

FHA International Refugee Conference scheduled for June 2022

Our second international conference “ Accompanying the journey of a refugee” will happen in Seville (Spain) from the 7th to the 9th of June 2022. The conference, which will focus on refugees, internally displaced people and survivors of human trafficking, wants to offer Vincentian branches...

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Rebuilding a stronger future in the Philippines

Rebuilding a stronger future in the Philippines

A month ago, Typhoon Odette/Rai wreaked havoc in the Philippines, killing over 400 people. The Vincentian Family in the Philippines swiftly organized to provide emergency relief to the over 5.4 million people affected by the typhoon. Many are now homeless – this includes some of those previously...

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Embracing the homeless in a network of charity

Embracing the homeless in a network of charity

Over 7,000 lives have been transformed thanks to the “13 Houses” Campaign. In just 3 years this global endeavour has gone from a single house in Macon, Georgia (USA) to more than 70 projects in almost 50 countries with up to 2,000 houses built. Project after project, the “13 Houses” is embracing...

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International Refugee Conference adjourned to June 2022

International Refugee Conference adjourned to June 2022

Our second international conference “The journey of a refugee” will happen in Seville (Spain) from the 7th to the 9th of June 2022. Covid forced the FHA Team to postpone this meeting once again due to the progress of the pandemic, travel restrictions and limited in-person participation at this...

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FHA Webinars

FHA Webinars

At a time when coming together was more difficult than ever, the FHA decided to organise webinars to fulfil our goals of building global capacity and facilitating learning opportunities in the Vincentian Family. In 2021 we organised two, but we hope to make webinars a regular feature of the FHA...

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Advent Letter 2021 by Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CM

Advent Letter 2021 by Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CM

Dear members of the Vincentian Family, May the grace and peace of Jesus be always with us! Every year, the Church offers us the gift of the grace-filled period called “Advent” that helps us to prepare our hearts and minds in a special way for the Christmas season. Continuing the reflection on...

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Embracing the homeless in a network of charity!

Embracing the homeless in a network of charity!

Happy Feast of the Miraculous Medal!  As we celebrate the apparition of the Virgin Mary to St Catherine Labouré almost two centuries ago, in the FHA we are also celebrating three years of the “13 Houses” Campaign!  In this time, Vincentians all over the world have housed or supported over 7000...

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