Slum Dwelling: Annual Theme 2020

Slum Dwelling: Annual Theme 2020

Over the past two years, the Vincentian Family’s annual theme has focused on forced displacement and street homelessness. For 2020, we are focusing on slum dwellers. We refer you to our briefing paper, which outlines in greater detail the problem of slum dwelling and...
Diaries of a Vincentian: A spoonful of hope!  5ml of vodka at a time

Diaries of a Vincentian: The Passage

A diary reveals much about its writer; especially read in retrospect some time later.   It’s not your diary I am thinking of – it’s mine!  The hand-eye-brain co-ordination creates a muscular memory of events that is both cathartic and illuminating. A strong...
Diaries of a Vincentian: A spoonful of hope!  5ml of vodka at a time

Diaries of a Vincentian: To die like a dog…

August 18th 2003 I was running between two emergencies. We were Red Cross volunteer lifeguards. We first attended to a man with a stab wound and took him to hospital, but it was a struggle to get him admitted: we knew neither his name, nor of any relatives who could...