Homelessness was a major focus of St Vincent’s charitable work – from accommodating foundling children abandoned by their parents, to organizing aid for those displaced by conflict in Lorraine, to providing soup to thousands of Paris’ poorest citizens. In many ways, St Vincent’s initiatives were foundational in establishing the principles of structured and well-administered charity we see today. Central too were the values which underpinned this work: St Vincent demanded diligence and accountability from those who served the poor under his watch.

Fr Maloney explores how his example, four centuries later, has inspired the creation of a Vincentian Family ‘megaproject’ for homeless people: the Famvin Homeless Alliance. The FHA helps slum dwellers, refugees, internally displaced people, and the street homeless. Fr Maloney argues an emphasis on collaboration and systemic change are essential to an effective and fruitful project and articulates how this can be achieved, especially through listening to and actively involving our homeless brothers and sisters.


The full article in pdf. format: St. Vincent and the Homeless