On July 8th 1 pm CEST (9 pm Sydney, 7 am New York) the FHA is hosting the first of a series of online events featuring Vincentians who are working on “13 Houses” Campaign projects. Three speakers from different projects and approaches will talk about how they got started, how they designed the project and what advice they would give to Vincentians thinking of starting their own “13 Houses” project:

Sister Winnie Mutuku, DC, from the “Upendo” Street Children Project in Kitale, Kenya.
This initiative, also supported by local organisations, will see the building of a day centre to support approximately 121 children living on the streets. As well as providing 2 meals a day and hygiene and healthcare services, the Daughters provide mentoring and counselling, facilitate the rebuilding of familial relationships, and offer skills trainings, apprenticeships and access to education to improve children’s prospects.
Ana María Escaño, VMY member and promoter of the “Just One House” Project, Philippines.
“Just One House” wants to build at least 30 houses for beneficiaries who own their own land but are living in unsafe and undignified housing. Potential beneficiaries are old people living alone, or poor families with disabled members. The project aims to be a template that can be easily replicated anywhere.
Dawn Colapietro, Seton Associate of the Sisters of Charity of St Elizabeth
The Sisters of Charity of St Elizabeth are committed to building strong communities, paying special attention to women and children who are most at risk. The Sisters oversaw the construction of 13 Houses, provided access to employment programmes and financial advice, and enrolled the children in school.
Participants will cover how their projects started (identifying beneficiaries, reaching out to partners, fundraising), the problems they faced and how they mitigated them, how they ensured systemic change in the lives of beneficiaries and what being in the “13 Houses” Campaign means for them as members of the Vincentian Family.
The event will have interpretation into Spanish, French and Portuguese. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to fha.info@famvin.org. Registration is mandatory.
Here is the FAMVIN 13 housing projects in Lao PDR. We had procured funds for two housing projects to the poor. Those houses are located in the neighboring villages of the Capital.
The 1st house was partially constructed and we provided necessary funds for finishing the house by adding doors, windows and floor.
The second one is the renovation of the house especially the roof which is really damaged cannot stay under during the raining season.
As per rules, we assist in providing materials but the labor is the contribution of the beneficiaries. The funds are from the contribution of different groups of FAMVIN of the church such as: AIC, SSVP, Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, AMM and Sisters of Charity of Saint Jeanne-Antide Thouret.