On July 8th 1 pm CEST (9 pm Sydney, 7 am New York) don’t miss the chance to hear our three speakers explaining will talk about how they got started, how they designed the project and what advice they would give to Vincentians thinking of starting their own “13 Houses” project:

Sister Winnie Mutuku, DC, from the “Upendo” Street Children Project in Kitale, Kenya
Sr Winnie Mutuku is a Daughter of Charity of St Vincent de Paul. Graduated in Journalism, from the University of East Africa and further training in Resource Management. In 2020 she received the Kenya State Presidential Award for her work with homeless people during the covid-19 pandemic.
This “Upendo” project, also supported by local organisations, will see the building of a day centre to support approximately 121 children living on the streets. As well as providing 2 meals a day and hygiene and healthcare services, the Daughters provide mentoring and counselling, facilitate the rebuilding of familial relationships, and offer skills trainings, apprenticeships and access to education to improve children’s prospects.

Ana María Escaño, VMY member and promoter of the “Just One House” Project, Philippines
Ana María Escaño is the leader of the “Just One House” project in Malitbog, Philippines, and the National Lay adviser for the Vincentian Marian Youth in the country. A Vincentian since a very young age, She now works under two commissions of the Vincentian Family as Executive Secretary to the Systemic Change Commission and also in the Collaboration Commission.
“Just One House” wants to build at least 30 houses for beneficiaries who own their own land but are living in unsafe and undignified housing. Potential beneficiaries are old people living alone, or poor families with disabled members. The project aims to be a template that can be easily replicated anywhere.

Dawn Colapietro, Seton Associate of the Sisters of Charity of St Elizabeth, Haiti
Dawn Colapietro has been the programme coordinator for the Sisters of Charity Mission in Haiti since 2016. With a background in social work and business administration, she has extensive experience in the public and not-for profit sector in Virginia and New Jersey.
The Sisters of Charity of St Elizabeth are committed to building strong communities, paying special attention to women and children who are most at risk. The Sisters oversaw the construction of 13 Houses, provided access to employment programmes and financial advice, and enrolled the children in school.
The event will have interpretation into Spanish, French and Portuguese. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to fha.info@famvin.org. Registration is mandatory.