Famvin Homeless Alliance

The Vincentian Family Initiative on Homelessness

The 13 Houses Campaign

The 13 Houses Campaign is a Famvin Homeless Alliance initiative and aims to improve and transform the lives of 10,000 homeless people around the world in 3-5 years from 2018. More than that, we want to see 13 Houses projects in each of the 156 countries where the Vincentian Family works!

Years of Service



Goal: End Homelessness!

Father Pedro Opeka CM nominated for Council of Europe prize

Father Pedro Opeka CM nominated for Council of Europe prize

Father Pedro Opeka CM has been nominated to the Raoul Wallenberg Prize of the Council of Europe. The Famvin Homeless Alliance has supported this nomination, which has been officially carried out by the Slovenian Government because “his great self-sacrifice make him a worthy candidate for the prize...

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The “13 Houses” Campaign already changing lives in Ireland

The “13 Houses” Campaign already changing lives in Ireland

Noel has lost everything during this pandemic... even his beloved Rosie. Noel was at home, looking forward to a quiet Christmas with his little dog, Rosie, when he got the crushing news from his landlord — Noel had to leave his home... At almost 70 years of age, he was set on the lonely path to...

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Bringing smiles to Tanzania with the “13 Houses” Campaign

Bringing smiles to Tanzania with the “13 Houses” Campaign

Hadeeja can finally smile. And she does it while holding the “13 Houses” Campaign plaque in front of her new house with her three sons and her daughter. For this widow and mother of four living in Mtindu, Tanzania, the Campaign has represented a chance for a new beginning and a better life for...

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Building a wider “We” in the footsteps of Vincent de Paul

Building a wider “We” in the footsteps of Vincent de Paul

Today we commemorate St Vincent’s Feast Day with all Vincentians, a day to pray, reflect and celebrate. In the FHA, we cannot forget that as we mark St Vincent’s day, yesterday was also the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. In the FHA we work daily to weave together our Charism and heritage into...

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The FHA and the “Season of Creation”

The FHA and the “Season of Creation”

"A true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor", Laudato Si’,  #49 Pope Francis’ words have been inspiring the work of the Famvin Homeless Alliance...

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Postponed: FHA Refugee Conference

Postponed: FHA Refugee Conference

After careful consideration, the FHA Team has decided to postpone the Conference to Spring 2022, given the current progress of the pandemic, travel restrictions and limited in-person participation at this point. In January 2022, we will communicate the new dates and hope it will work out for you. ...

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A new roof in Haiti with the Sisters of Charity

A new roof in Haiti with the Sisters of Charity

Few countries around the world have been battered by natural disasters and History such as Haiti. However, it is also a country with a long Vincentian tradition and it was bound to join the 13 Houses Campaign! The Sisters of Charity of St Elizabeth, a Vincentian branch, have joined forces with the...

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