Famvin Homeless Alliance

The Vincentian Family Initiative on Homelessness

The 13 Houses Campaign

The 13 Houses Campaign is a Famvin Homeless Alliance initiative and aims to improve and transform the lives of 10,000 homeless people around the world in 3-5 years from 2018. More than that, we want to see 13 Houses projects in each of the 156 countries where the Vincentian Family works!

Years of Service



Goal: End Homelessness!

Just one house to change a life

Just one house to change a life

The FHA was launched with the goal of ending homelessness, one house at a time. That’s what moved Ana María Escaño in Malitbog (Southern Leyte) in the Philippines, to launch the “Just One House” project. An initiative that aims to be a template easily replicated anywhere. Ana María is a member of...

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Over 70 people join the first webinar on the “13 Houses” Campaign

Over 70 people join the first webinar on the “13 Houses” Campaign

Over 70 people joined the first of a series of FHA webinars on the “13 Houses” Campaign. Vincentians from several branches all over the world joined to listen to our all-women panel explaining how they developed their “13 Houses” projects. Vincentians from Cambodia to Brasil and from Ireland to...

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“Welcome Home” in Guatemala with the “13 Houses” Campaign

“Welcome Home” in Guatemala with the “13 Houses” Campaign

The “Welcome Home” project will officially open on July 3rd in Chimaltenango, Guatemala, with the presence of our volunteer Ambassador Gina Paredes. After three years of work, more than 30 families who lost their homes during the Volcán de Fuego eruption in 2018 now have a better and safer place...

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Lessons learnt from “13 Houses” projects: Meet the Speakers

Lessons learnt from “13 Houses” projects: Meet the Speakers

On July 8th 1 pm CEST (9 pm Sydney, 7 am New York) don’t miss the chance to hear our three speakers explaining will talk about how they got started, how they designed the project and what advice they would give to Vincentians thinking of starting their own “13 Houses” project:Sister Winnie Mutuku,...

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Our path ahead

Our path ahead

Frederic Ozanam once said that “Charity must never look to the past, but always to the future, because the number of its past works is still very small and the present and future miseries that it must alleviate are infinite.” His words resonated with us and we kept them in mind when we started to...

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Vincentian Mapping Project

Vincentian Mapping Project

If you ask Vincentians why their work with homeless people is essential, you will receive a number of answers ranging from their dignity as human beings and children of God to the importance of following in the footsteps of Vincent who, in times of war and of peace, dared to care for the...

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