The Mission of the Vincentian Family in Ukraine

In Ukraine, we are living through the third year of war. During the first year, people experienced a desire to help, and the confidence that the conflict would soon end. However,...

FHA’s International Conference 2024

The upcoming conference on slum dwellers organized by the Famvin Homeless Alliance (FHA) is a timely and important event that will shed light on the global reality of slums and...

“What must be done?” An answer that transformed 10,000 lives

Imagine if Saint Vincent de Paul was with us today. What would he do in a world still torn by wars, where billions of people are looking for a home? In the face of contemporary...

“A future we want: A home for all”

  “A future we want: A home for all” was the title of the parallel event organized in New York by the UN Working Group to End Homelessness this past October 5th, to mark...

“Empowering Individuals & Communities: Vincentian Action in Slums”

The next FHA Conference will take place on 29-31 January 2024 at Adamson University (Manila, Philippines) under the theme: “Empowering Individuals & Communities: Vincentian...

FHA Newsletter’s Editorial | December 2023

On 14th October 2017 I stood on the steps of St Peters in Rome in front of over 10,000 members of the Vincentian Family from across the globe, to announce the establishment of...

10,000 people housed through Vincentian Family global campaign to end homelessness

Five years ago, a small flame of hope ignited in Little Rock, USA, as the first house of the 13 Houses Campaign was built. We couldn't imagine that, five years later, this flame...

Addressing homelessness across Brazil: a joint Vincentian effort

As we remember October 17th’s Eradication of Poverty Day – a day of global significance – we would like to reflect on the plight of those struggling with homelessness in Brazil....

St Vincent de Paul’s enduring legacy: solidarity and service in a world of need

Water, medicine, food, a roof over one's head. These are essential resources that many people around the world still do not have access to, and these shortages tell stories of...

Let’s shape the advocacy toolkit together

Dear Vincentians, We are embarking on a special project, and we need your valuable input. We are developing a local advocacy toolkit that will enhance our ability to advocate...
The World’s Big Sleep Out

The World’s Big Sleep Out

On the 7th of December, people around the world joined in an enormous act of global solidarity to support people who have no choice but to sleep on the streets. From Los Angeles to London; from New Delhi to Manila and Brisbane, people slept out for one night to raise...

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The FHA out to meet the Spanish Vincentian Family

The FHA out to meet the Spanish Vincentian Family

From November 11th to 13th 2019, the FHA team and Commission gathered in Madrid to discuss the work of the Alliance. They also took the opportunity to better understand the work carried out by the Vincentian Family in Spain and their projects with homeless people. On...

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Make us count in 2020!

Make us count in 2020!

2020 will be a crucial year to make homeless people count. In February, for the first time in its entire history, the UN will release a report on homelessness written by the Secretary General. This is an opportunity to begin a global strategy to end homelessness – an...

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12 months of 13 Houses!

12 months of 13 Houses!

The 13 Houses Campaign is one-year-old today! In these 12 months, the Campaign has grown from a single house in Little Rock, Arkansas (USA) to 37 projects in 28 countries. And this is only the beginning! We are expecting 24 new countries to join in the coming months!...

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Diaries of a Vincentian: Sharing the Word and a Meal

Diaries of a Vincentian: Sharing the Word and a Meal

Like almost any other Friday for the last six years, Ramona arrived drunk, hugging and kissing her friends, her breath smelling like cheap rum and drugs. There’s always a volunteer waiting for her at the playground in the St Peter Apostle parish school, to listen...

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A Voice of the Vincentian Laity

A Voice of the Vincentian Laity

Last week, Yasmine Cajuste, the FHA Project Development Manager, gave the lecture “A Voice of the Vincentian Laity: The Haiti Initiative and the FamVin Homeless Alliance” at the Center for World Catholicism & Intercultural Theology (CWCIT) in DePaul University in...

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Back in Untermarchtal

Back in Untermarchtal

It was the middle of September when I, once again, had the privilege of travelling to Untermarchtal, Germany. The Sisters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul had invited me to attend and speak at their annual open day – an event that brings together supporters,...

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A second chance thanks to the “13 Houses”

A second chance thanks to the “13 Houses”

My name is Flore and I am from a humble family from Côte d'Ivoire. When I was 17 years old, my life changed. My mum passed away during the 2002 civil war, and then I started a journey that took me far away from everything and everybody. After her death, life was...

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Diaries of a Vincentian: In plain sight. Yet invisible

Diaries of a Vincentian: In plain sight. Yet invisible

On a Saturday night, London’s streets are transformed into a stage with a spotlight being turned on the everyday actors of little tragedies, big comedies, promising romances. Scenes can be fleeting, almost unnoticeable; or they play out on centre stage – the main act...

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