The Mission of the Vincentian Family in Ukraine

In Ukraine, we are living through the third year of war. During the first year, people experienced a desire to help, and the confidence that the conflict would soon end. However,...

FHA’s International Conference 2024

The upcoming conference on slum dwellers organized by the Famvin Homeless Alliance (FHA) is a timely and important event that will shed light on the global reality of slums and...

“What must be done?” An answer that transformed 10,000 lives

Imagine if Saint Vincent de Paul was with us today. What would he do in a world still torn by wars, where billions of people are looking for a home? In the face of contemporary...

“A future we want: A home for all”

  “A future we want: A home for all” was the title of the parallel event organized in New York by the UN Working Group to End Homelessness this past October 5th, to mark...

“Empowering Individuals & Communities: Vincentian Action in Slums”

The next FHA Conference will take place on 29-31 January 2024 at Adamson University (Manila, Philippines) under the theme: “Empowering Individuals & Communities: Vincentian...

FHA Newsletter’s Editorial | December 2023

On 14th October 2017 I stood on the steps of St Peters in Rome in front of over 10,000 members of the Vincentian Family from across the globe, to announce the establishment of...

10,000 people housed through Vincentian Family global campaign to end homelessness

Five years ago, a small flame of hope ignited in Little Rock, USA, as the first house of the 13 Houses Campaign was built. We couldn't imagine that, five years later, this flame...

Addressing homelessness across Brazil: a joint Vincentian effort

As we remember October 17th’s Eradication of Poverty Day – a day of global significance – we would like to reflect on the plight of those struggling with homelessness in Brazil....

St Vincent de Paul’s enduring legacy: solidarity and service in a world of need

Water, medicine, food, a roof over one's head. These are essential resources that many people around the world still do not have access to, and these shortages tell stories of...

Let’s shape the advocacy toolkit together

Dear Vincentians, We are embarking on a special project, and we need your valuable input. We are developing a local advocacy toolkit that will enhance our ability to advocate...
International Conference of the Famvin Homeless Alliance

International Conference of the Famvin Homeless Alliance

      Overview The International Conference of the Famvin Homeless Alliance will take place in Rome (Italy) over three days on 26-28 November 2018, with approximately 100 participants from across the world. The Conference brings together Vincentian...

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A Systemic Approach to Eliminating Homelessness

A Systemic Approach to Eliminating Homelessness

Speech of Mark McGreevy, Founder and CEO of DePaul International, at the side event panel entitled “A Systemic Approach to Eliminating Homelessness” presented by the Vincentian Family at the United Nations, in Collaboration with the Permanent Mission of Ireland to the...

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“Lets not leave anyone behind!”

“Lets not leave anyone behind!”

Mr. Mark McGreevy's speech at the High level panel discussion on the priority theme: “Strategies for Eradicating Poverty to Achieve Sustainable Development for All” in the framework of the UN's 56th Session of the Commission for Social...

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The “CHARITY” of Turin at the Vincentian Symposium in Rome

The “CHARITY” of Turin at the Vincentian Symposium in Rome

Three months ago, we went to Rome to participate in the International Symposium of the Vincentian Family. It was the beginning of the realization of a dream that was born on the street, that lived on the street and which continues to live on the street. A dream, a...

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Inaugural Famvin Homeless Alliance Commission Meeting

Inaugural Famvin Homeless Alliance Commission Meeting

The first meeting of the Famvin Homeless Alliance Commission was held in Chicago on November 20-21, 2017. The Commission comprises representatives of the Vincentian Family and people named because of their knowledge and proven expertise in the area of homelessness....

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Famvin Homeless Alliance: Letter to the Vincentian Family

Famvin Homeless Alliance: Letter to the Vincentian Family

London, July 16, 2017 Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Vincentian Family, On June 28, the European Parliament hosted a celebration to mark the 400th Anniversary of the birth of the Vincentian charism.  One of the speakers at this event was a Daughter of Charity from...

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Famvin Homeless Alliance becomes “official.”

Famvin Homeless Alliance becomes “official.”

June 28, 2017 marked the official announcement of the Famvin Homeless Alliance, an initiative of the Worldwide Vincentian Family to reduce, and wherever possible, eliminate homelessness in its multiple forms. This ceremony took place at the European Parliament, by...

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Our Team

Our Team

Mark McGreevy Group Chief Executive | Depaul International Since 2004 Mark has been Group Chief Executive of Depaul International, which co-ordinates the activities of a group of Depaul charities around the world, operating in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Slovakia,...

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Educated and Homeless: Cheryl’s Story of Survival

Educated and Homeless: Cheryl’s Story of Survival

A former case manager shares about reality of mental illness and finding oneself homeless. At the height of her career, Cheryl was a case manager working for a mental health agency in Juneau, Alaska. She had two degrees from Northern Arizona University under her belt...

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I Care About Homelessness: #IamVincent

I Care About Homelessness: #IamVincent

Mary Ann Campellone is a Vincentian of Wherever. Of Philadelphia to be exact. She's taken the mission of Vincent -- learned at her parish in Philadelphia -- deeply into her work situation at Mercy Career and Technical High School. Combining it with the charism of the...

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