The Mission of the Vincentian Family in Ukraine

In Ukraine, we are living through the third year of war. During the first year, people experienced a desire to help, and the confidence that the conflict would soon end. However,...

FHA’s International Conference 2024

The upcoming conference on slum dwellers organized by the Famvin Homeless Alliance (FHA) is a timely and important event that will shed light on the global reality of slums and...

“What must be done?” An answer that transformed 10,000 lives

Imagine if Saint Vincent de Paul was with us today. What would he do in a world still torn by wars, where billions of people are looking for a home? In the face of contemporary...

“A future we want: A home for all”

  “A future we want: A home for all” was the title of the parallel event organized in New York by the UN Working Group to End Homelessness this past October 5th, to mark...

“Empowering Individuals & Communities: Vincentian Action in Slums”

The next FHA Conference will take place on 29-31 January 2024 at Adamson University (Manila, Philippines) under the theme: “Empowering Individuals & Communities: Vincentian...

FHA Newsletter’s Editorial | December 2023

On 14th October 2017 I stood on the steps of St Peters in Rome in front of over 10,000 members of the Vincentian Family from across the globe, to announce the establishment of...

10,000 people housed through Vincentian Family global campaign to end homelessness

Five years ago, a small flame of hope ignited in Little Rock, USA, as the first house of the 13 Houses Campaign was built. We couldn't imagine that, five years later, this flame...

Addressing homelessness across Brazil: a joint Vincentian effort

As we remember October 17th’s Eradication of Poverty Day – a day of global significance – we would like to reflect on the plight of those struggling with homelessness in Brazil....

St Vincent de Paul’s enduring legacy: solidarity and service in a world of need

Water, medicine, food, a roof over one's head. These are essential resources that many people around the world still do not have access to, and these shortages tell stories of...

Let’s shape the advocacy toolkit together

Dear Vincentians, We are embarking on a special project, and we need your valuable input. We are developing a local advocacy toolkit that will enhance our ability to advocate...
Three years working together to end homelessness

Three years working together to end homelessness

The Famvin Homeless Alliance (FHA) has reached three years working with the poorest of the poor and the homeless. The FHA is looking forward to the next few years, with the objective of fostering collaboration and exchange amongst Vincentian Family branches, and with...

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A new way of exploring the 13 Houses Campaign

A new way of exploring the 13 Houses Campaign

13 Houses Campaign keeps growing thanks to the joint efforts of more and more Vincentian branches to end homelessness! Now you can explore the different projects on our new map. You can learn more about each individual initiative, which branches are involved and...

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The “St Vincent de Paul Village” opens its doors in Peru

The “St Vincent de Paul Village” opens its doors in Peru

55 people from eight families are now living in the first houses of the “Mitso Esperanza – Villa San Vicente de Paúl”, the St Vincent de Paul Village in Puerto Eten, Peru. This ambitious project is part of the “13 Houses” Campaign. The Vincentian Family has opened and...

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First 13 Houses project in Nigeria!

First 13 Houses project in Nigeria!

Cecilia is a widow and mother of four living in the Imo State, South East-Nigeria, in a poor rural area lacking government investment. She and her family used to shelter in an old mud hut. For that reason, she was selected to be the first beneficiary of the 13 Houses...

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A family born again

A family born again

Mihaela used to go to sleep worrying that the house would fall on her and her family. She lived with her mother and her four children, aged between 14 and 7 in a tiny house in Iasi, Romania second largest city. “We felt deprived of any hope, of protection during that...

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From the basement to the hope of a new life

From the basement to the hope of a new life

The Flórez Sierra Family hasn’t had it easy since they arrived in Spain from Colombia. “We used to live in a basement, unhealthy, without the right conditions, we were suffering, mostly for our child”. Besides, were living in an unregularized situation in the country....

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All (and everybody) for our homeless friends

All (and everybody) for our homeless friends

Christmas celebrations in the “Charité” Santa Luisa in Turin have been incredibly significant. Our “Day Centre for and with homeless people” has lived a wave of Providence and Grace. We were surprised but not overwhelmed, thanks to the Lord, we sail out with tailwind....

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The FHA Christmas Appeal almost quadruples the target goal

The FHA Christmas Appeal almost quadruples the target goal

The FHA Christmas Appeal “A room at the inn” has raised almost four times the amount of money needed to help five homeless families to provide them with the same warmth and security that Mary and Joseph were seeking for their family.  Thanks to generous donations, the...

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Homeless people: a question of humanity and fraternity

Homeless people: a question of humanity and fraternity

Homeless people exist. Calling them by their name is a question of humanity and fraternity, recognizing them with an ID and personal documents means building a healthy, united, open and creative society. Without residency there are no real opportunities for civic,...

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