Famvin Homeless Alliance

The Vincentian Family Initiative on Homelessness

The 13 Houses Campaign

The 13 Houses Campaign is a Famvin Homeless Alliance initiative and aims to improve and transform the lives of 10,000 homeless people around the world in 3-5 years from 2018. More than that, we want to see 13 Houses projects in each of the 156 countries where the Vincentian Family works!

Years of Service



Goal: End Homelessness!

The “infection” of Love

The “infection” of Love

This is an extraordinary moment. For months we have been trying to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, not even pausing for a summer break; we have never let our homeless friends be alone. We have adapted our services, while maintaining our values, according to the national laws and protocols....

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This Christmas, help a family get a home

This Christmas, help a family get a home

“And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7)Ann, Paula, Age, Mariano, Alba, and many other families around the world currently experiencing internal displacement, are all looking...

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Young Vincentians from Portugal mobilize for Lebanon

Young Vincentians from Portugal mobilize for Lebanon

A significant share of the almost $250,000 raised by the International Vincentian Family for Lebanon has been donated by different branches from the five continents. Among them, several groups of the Vincentian Marian Youth of Portugal mobilized to send funds for this campaign. With deep gratitude...

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Vincentians raise almost $250,000 for Beirut

Vincentians raise almost $250,000 for Beirut

The International Vincentian Family has raised nearly $250,000 on behalf of the Lebanese Vincentian Family to support the victims of the blast in Beirut last August. The money is managed by the local Vincentian Family and helps those affected by the explosion to rebuild their lives and their...

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Diaries of a Vincentian: Kenya

Diaries of a Vincentian: Kenya

Peter’s eyes, milky with cataracts, searched my face for recognition. His toothless grin, widened when he saw Sr Rosemary emerge from the car. Having had a “safari massage” in the 4x4 car, jiggling from side to side, down the rutted sloping Rift Valley in Kenya, I was more than ready to alight and...

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Diaries of a Vincentian: Our return from Kenya to Germany

Diaries of a Vincentian: Our return from Kenya to Germany

At the end of March this year we were told, all of a sudden, that we - Sr. Lucia, Sr. Dorothea, Sr. Zeituni and I - had to leave Kenya as soon as possible. The Corona Pandemic had spread unexpectedly quickly. The news took the four of us by surprise. Sr. Zeituni, Sr. Dorothea and Sr. Lucia were in...

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