The Famvin Homeless Alliance is a Vincentian Family global initiative supporting established and emerging homelessness initiatives across the globe. We understand homelessness as those living on the street, refugees and those displaced from their home, and slum dwellers in inadequate housing.
Our vision is a world where everyone has a place to call home and a stake in their community.
The FHA was set up in 2017 to mark the 400th anniversary of the Vincentian Charism. The Vincentian Family is a global Catholic movement rooted in the spirituality and example of St Vincent de Paul. With a membership of over two million people.
Improve and Transform the Lives of Homeless People
Develop practical, long-term and innovative responses to the needs of homeless people with a focus on slum dwellers, refugees and internally displaced people.
Utilise the global Vincentian presence, and potentially other faith groups, to respond more effectively to global crises.
Build Global Capacity in the Vincentian Family
Share Vincentian expertise through international conferences and workshops and the development and usage of best practice networks such as the IGH’s Communities of Impact with a focus on social impact, sustainability and innovation
Develop partnerships and networks beyond the Vincentian Family and across the Church to multiply the impact of the work of the FHA and Vincentian Family.
Encourage Structural Change
Support structural change at United Nations level to ensure sustainable futures for people who are street homeless, displaced or living in slums.
Support local advocacy across the globe to encourage structural change at grassroots level.
Community Engagement
Develop strategies to effectively spotlight expertise and facilitate developments at grassroots level.
Communication for social change
We will raise awareness of the plight of homeless people, slum dwellers and displaced people and effective responses to their needs.
Support effective communication across the Vincentian Family by actively pursuing/utilising all available communication channels.
You can download our full Strategic Plan here or a shortened version in English, Spanish, French or Portuguese.