Vincentians raise almost $250,000 for Beirut

Vincentians raise almost $250,000 for Beirut

The International Vincentian Family has raised nearly $250,000 on behalf of the Lebanese Vincentian Family to support the victims of the blast in Beirut last August. The money is managed by the local Vincentian Family and helps those affected by the explosion to...
Diaries of a Vincentian: Kenya

Diaries of a Vincentian: Kenya

Peter’s eyes, milky with cataracts, searched my face for recognition. His toothless grin, widened when he saw Sr Rosemary emerge from the car. Having had a “safari massage” in the 4×4 car, jiggling from side to side, down the rutted sloping Rift Valley in Kenya,...
A very different Vincent’s Day

A very different Vincent’s Day

This year, St Vincent de Paul’s Day is going to be very different from what we would have liked. After these tough months, in which the Vincentian Family stepped up to Covid-19 and the tragedy in Beirut, we want to remember both what we have achieved and the brother...